Access to the FirstLight Shoreline and Land Use Application and Permit System.

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The lands and waters of the Housatonic River Project encompass a total of 10,000 acres with 200 miles of shoreline. The Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) for the Housatonic River Project was developed as a requirement of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) providing FirstLight a license to generate electricity. Permits are required for the use of all lands and waters within FirstLight Project Boundaries. The SMP and other FirstLight publications provide guidance on shoreline management and permit requirements.

Shoreline Management Plan, Guidelines, and Information


Housatonic River Project P-2576 Project Boundaries and Operation Levels. Understanding the location of the Project Boundary and the lake or impoundment operating levels are important considerations in your permit application for Shoreline and Land Uses . FirstLight’s Exhibit G, Project Boundary Maps, and information on operating levels are available for your reference.

Project Boundary and Operation Information